Monday 23 March 2015

Part 2: Ulzzang

Ulzzang”(read as uhl-jang), is a Korean term used to describe good looking (or literally “best face”). Girls labelled with this title usually have doll-like attributes such as large doe eyes, fair skin, small lips and sharp chin. Often, these traits are made possible through extensive make-up and photo editing softwares. The Ulzzang trend first originated through online contests, whereby girls post attractive pictures of themselves on their Cyworld accounts, which led to their subsequent rise in popularity and celebrity status (Wikipedia, n.a.)   Today, Ulzzang has developed into a subculture or an icon of the latest fashion, and not merely confined to online contests (Urbandictionary, 2010). Being an ulzzang is not exclusive to girls, as evident from pages such as Ulzzang Boys on Facebook with 32k likes, and popular Singaporean male blogger Yutaki James who is known for his Ulzzang appearance.

Above: A Korean Ulzzang (Source:

Above: The Ulzzang trend is not only limited to girls. Ulzzang boys also proved to be largely popular among the online community. (Source:

Above: A Chinese girl demonstrates her transformation into an Ulzzang through make-up.

Above: Popular Singaporean blogger Yutaki James is one good example of locals adopting the Ulzzang look (Source: 

Above: An advertisement about an international Ulzzang contest (Source:

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